

GA4 Migration & Website Analytics Services

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“Very happy with the results”


Senior Developer - Travelport

“Serious ongoing expertise over a lengthy project”

James O'Sullivan
Project Manager – Anthony Nicholas Group

“Excellent skills with really advanced competency”

John Ring


Head of Marketing, WebDr

Trusted by 2,000+ happy Clients.

GA4 Migration

Estimate Cost



  1. Set up Enhanced Measurement Tracking
  2. Activate Google Signals for your GA4 property
  3. Exclude internal traffic in GA4
  4.  Connect your GA4 property with Google Ads
  5. Set Up (Basic) Site Search Tracking in GA4 6. Set up Scroll Tracking in GA4
  6. Import conversions from GA4 property to your Google Ads account
  7. Connect your GA4 property with Google Search Console
  8. Set up Cross Domain Tracking in GA4
  9. Connect your GA4 property with BigQuery
  10. Setup GA4 test property
  11. Setup referral exclusion in GA4



  1. Includes everything in Basic
  2. Set up GA4 Custom Events
  3. Rename Events in GA4
  4. Use the debug view report in GA4
  5. Set Up Goal Conversion Tracking in GA4
  6. Setup Content Grouping in GA4
  7. Create custom insights in GA4
  8. Create remarketing audiences in GA4
  9. Build comparisons (advanced segments)
  10. Create custom audiences in GA4
  11. Create Audience Triggers in GA4
  12. Upload data from external data sources via GA4 Data Import



  1. Includes everything in Intermediate
  2. Set up predictive metrics in GA4
  3. Create Predictive Audiences in GA4
  4. Set up Ecommerce Tracking in GA4
  5. Set up Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in GA4
  6. Set up Sales funnels in GA4
  7. Export data from GA4 to BigQuery
  8. Track Single Page Apps in GA4
  9. Create UserId properties in GA4
  10. Create Custom Dimensions and Metrics

Note: GA4 setup for simple brochure sites with less than 30 pages is €500


GA4 Training

Duration: 2 X 3 Hour Online Sessions - Cost: €400 / person. Min numbers apply

A) New concept and reporting

  • What is GA4, and how does it work
  • How is it different to Universal Analytics
  • What are events within GA4
  • What is a user, and how does GA4 track things
  • How to use the interface
  • How to use the new insights section
  • How to use the reporting section
  • How to see campaign reports
  • How to see events reports

What you'll learn

Get hands-on experience setting up and using a GA4 account. See the main differences between GA4 and GA3 (Universal Analytics) and get confidence with its new concepts – 'users' and 'events' rather than 'sessions'. Understand the interface and learn about the various default reports available.

B) Custom reporting and tailor-made
insight generation.

  • How to customise the reporting section
  • How to create your own events
  • How to create your own conversion events
  • How to use the 'exploration' interface
  • How to migrate your universal analytics goals
  • How to use the attribution settings and what is attribution
  • How to set up audiences and segmentation
  • How to set up custom dimensions
  • How to integrate GA4 with other platforms

What you'll learn

You'll learn how to make reports by creating your own events and labelling them as conversions (now that GA4 no longer uses the 'goals' feature familiar from Universal Analytics). You will also gain experience making data models with GA4's Explorations feature and see how to integrate GA4 with other Google platforms.

Looker (/GDS) Reports & Dashboards - Customized.

Server Side Tracking (SST)

How is SST Useful?

An example: If you use Google Ads, then….. Implementing SST gives your Google Ads 12-15% more signals thereby lowering your CPCs / costs.
This is particularly important if you use Performance Max or any other automations which is what both Google and Bing are pushing.
Traditional web analytics using ‘Cookies’ are also on the way out fast for Privacy reasons so this allows you to keep ahead.

Sample Configuration Approach.

  1. Briefing to discuss consent, container and tagging environments
  2. Audit container environments
  3. Set-up server side container and testing end point
  4. Configure web container and tag to utilise ‘send to server’ with consent
  5. Set-up and configure server-side container tags with consent
  6. Test server-side container tags and data
  7. Migrate server end point to client hosting/Cloud
  8. Optimise server side costs & efficiency
  9. Test server-side container tags and data after migration
  10. Export standard container, import and test

Cost Estimate: Up to €2,000 for small-med sites / Up to €5,000 for large site.

Note that SST can be setup in one of two ways:

  1. A) Via Google Cloud
    Much faster to setup (typically 4 hours), but while there’s a free version, ongoing costs may be required (price based on site traffic)
  2. B) Via Client's Server
    Slower to setup, involves developers, but no ongoing maintenance costs.

Cookie Consent Solutions

  • Keep your compliance colleagues happy.
  • Setup of GDPR compliant cookie consent tool
  • Provides full IP and end user data anonymisation for non-EU residents

Cost Estimate: From €500

Facebook CAPI

  • Setup GTM Server Side (SS) to Facebook events
  • Linking GTM SS via GTM Facebook events for Deduplication
  • Set up all events in GTM SS
  • Update general parameters
  • Update user data parameters
  • Update custom data parameters
  • Configure Server Side GA4 Tag (excl FB parameters)

Cost Estimate: €1,500

Ongoing Analytics Support

We can provide ongoing support monthly to support business needs with extra dashboards / reports / setup changes etc. Clients typically engage us for 1-2 days per month with a quarterly commitment.

Cost Estimate:
From €1,000 / mth

Insights that make your bottom line look bigger

You’ve invested in your website and it’s just not delivering. Our analytics experts will show you what’s happening, why it’s happening – and what you need to do about it.

Our optimisation team will boost your bottom line through careful testing of content and design improvements. Everything we do is guided by hard data, not hunches.

Analytics & Conversions process







Get answers to the questions that matter

Questions like:

We’re familiar with all leading analytics platforms

Website underperforming? Start with a conversion audit

We’ll provide a clear outline of the issues that are impacting your website conversions, along with recommendations to fix them.

The path to better performance starts here.

Talk to us today.

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